ベガ・シシリア ウニコ [2004]750ml







ワインアドヴォケイト:97点 Wine Advocate #214 Aug 2014 Luis Gutierrez 97 Drink: 2016-2029 $246-$500 Moving on to the big guns, the 2004 Unico is truly spectacular, in line with the 1970 and 1994. It’s a blend of 87% Tempranillo and 13% Cabernet Sauvignon. Unico has a unique long aging, in the case of the 2004, 15 months in 20,000-liter vats, 25 month in new barrels, 17 months in used barrels and a further 26 months in the big oak vats. It has complex notes of tobacco, cedar wood and blackberries, and shows very good balance between power and elegance as well as perfect ripeness. It has a similar profile to the 1994, but there’s ten years difference in experience and technical knowledge. There is nuance; there is detail, filigree, balance, harmony and complexity. There is a fine texture. In short, it is a great, world-class wine, a superb vintage for Unico. 87,500 bottles, 2,229 magnums, 150 double magnums and 5 Imperials were filled with this extraordinary wine. This is approachable now, but it’s a shame to drink so soon. It will age for a very long time, as it has the balance and harmony to do so, and it will develop more complexity with time. Drink 2016-2029. But if the single harvest Unico is fantastic, the multi-vintage blend could be even better as it also plays with the benefit of extra aging time. ヴィナス(VINOUS):96点 Josh Raynolds, September 2014 (roughly 85% tempranillo and 15% cabernet sauvignon; aged for a total of seven years in large oak vats, new small barrels, used small barrels and large oak vats to rest before bottling, in that order): Inky ruby: doesn't look like a ten-year old wine. A heady, intensely perfumed bouquet evokes ripe red and dark berries, vanilla, pipe tobacco, new leather and potpourri, with a subtle mineral flourish. Spicy, sweet and expansive, offering palate-staining cherry compote and cassis flavors with exotic violet and chewing tobacco qualities. Deepens and gains spiciness on the smooth, gently tannic finish, which lingers with superb focus and tenacity. ジャンシス・ロビンソン:19.5点Score: 19.5 Jancis Robinson MW, JancisRobinson.com, June 2012 Textbook vintage. No frost. Flowering was perfect. It rained when it should have. Temperature was perfect. We’re advised to save 2004 and drink 2005 first. Dark purplish crimson. Actually this smells more obviously ripe and opulent than the 2005, perhaps because of its seductive and already complex undertow. Beautiful completeness. So beautifully balanced that it is already alluring, even if it refines and dries a bit on the finish. Really stunning - explosive! Mineral finish. Wine Enthusiast :98点Lightly baked and hinting at raisin and fine herbs, the bouquet on this benchmark Spanish red enfolds aromas of tobacco, moss and ripe tomato. In the mouth, it's elegant and silky but also full and expansive. Flavors of baked berry fruits, baking spices, herbs and cocoa finish with a light coating of toast. This is an amazingly complete, exemplary wine that's just entering its prime. If past vintages of Unico are an indication, it will age well through 2035.VEGA SICILIA / ベガ・シシリアボデガス・ベガ・シシリアは、スペインを代表すトップワイナリーの一つです。


1864年にフランスのボルドーでワイン造りを学んだドン エロイ レカンダによって創立されました。

同時にフランスから3種の外来種(カベルネ・ソーヴィニオン・メルロー・マルベック)を持ち込み、ボデガス・ ベガ ・シシリアの目覚しい発展のきっかけとなりました。

以後、スペインの伝統品種であるテンプラニーリョ(別称 ティント フィノ)に上記の3来種をブレンドする方法がボデガの醸造スタイルとなり、そのようにして造られたワインが1929年のバルセロナ万国博覧会で金賞を獲得したことによりベガ・ シシリアの名声は一気に世に広がりました。






オーナーの知り合いなどに送られた ワインだそうです。




また、異なるヴィンテージのウニコを3〜5種ブレンドして造るウニコ レゼルバ エスペシアル(平均熟成年数30年)はウニコの一段上のクラスに位置づけられ、発売されてからもさらに20年〜30年の熟成が可能です。

  • 商品価格:47,304円
  • レビュー件数:0件
  • レビュー平均:0.0

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